- Parts of speech
- Sentence
- Article
- Tense
- Voice
- Narration
- Preposition
- Phrase/Clause
- Right form of Verb
- WH question
- Completing sentence
- Gerund verb
- Conditional sentence
- Punctuation
- Modal verb and gerund verb
- Transformation
- Idioms of phrase
- Prefix and suffix (word formation)
- Translation –Bengali to English// English to Bengali
- Basic sentence pattern
- Thinking and writing
- Paragraph writing
- Letter writing
- Email writing
- Thinking and writing
- Answer question by reading paragraph.
- Parts of speech
- Sentence
- Article
- Tense
- Voice
- Narration
- Preposition
- Phrase/Clause
- Right form of Verb
- WH question
- Completing sentence
- Gerund verb
- Conditional sentence
- Punctuation
- Modal verb and gerund verb
- Transformation
- Idioms of phrase
- Prefix and suffix (word formation)
- Determiner, modifier, head word
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